Using Igneous Rocks as a Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

Document Type : Original Article


Structural Engineering Depart., Faculty of Eng., Mansoura University, Egypt.


The study focuses on producing a new type of concrete utilizing igneous rocks
(andesite and ryolite) as a coarse aggregate. Thus, four trail mixes were casted for
estimating the concrete materials and proportions, also twenty-three mixes were
casted with some variables. Four types of aggregate were used (gravel, dolomite,
andesite and ryolite) to show the effect of aggregate type on concrete properties.
Four aggregate ratio were used (1:1, 2:1, 3:2, 5:2) to show the effect of aggregate
ratio on the concrete properties. Pozzolanic material (silica fume) was used with
15% of the cement, water cementatious ratio ranged from (0.22), super plasticizer
(viscocrete) was used with (1.5) % of the cement. Ordinary Portland cement was
used in all the mixes with cement content (900) kg/m3. Self-compacting concrete
tests (slump flow diameter, slump flow time, L-box, and V-funnel) were prepared
on concrete on its fresh phase, hardened concrete tests (compression strength,
splitting strength, bending strength, and shemidet hammer) were prepared to
identify the mechanical properties of concrete.