Defining the Hydraulic Dimensions and Operation Conditions for a Multi-Purpose Dam Using a 1-D Model (Case Study: Sue Dam, South Sudan)

Document Type : Original Article


Hydraulics Research Institute, National Water Research Centre, Delta Barrages, Egypt


In this paper, a 1-D model; SOBEK was used for modeling the Sue River, the
suggested dam, reservoir and spillway. The reservoir operations of filling and
emptying would be simulated. The average discharge hydrograph was used for the
dam design. The model was used for defining the required discharges for the
operation of the hydropower generators, domestic use and agricultural use. The
exclusive Geographical Information System (GIS) of the model was used to
manage the input and output results. The affected huts due to the rising water level
in the reservoir upstream of the dam were defined. The hydropower discharges,
dead zone & storage volumes and hydraulic dimensions for the dam and spillway
were computed. The study proved that if the Sue Dam was constructed; 40000
feddans would be cultivated, drinking water would be supplied to 500,000
inhabitants all year round, and 9 MW of electricity will be generated for the South
Sudan development