Analysis and Prediction of Hydraulic Jump Characteristics in Asymm Expanding Channels

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University


Wlien one or more of tlie vents of a regulator is opened or dosed during
maintenance, asymmetric flow occurs and a hydraulic jump may be formed. The
characteristics of the hydraulic jump formed just upstream of asymmetric
expansion are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The derived
theoretical equations for tlie relative deptli and the relative energy loss ofjump are
based on the application of the basic flow equations. Also, the length ofjump was
predicted empirically. The theoretically and empirically developed equations were
compared witli the experimental observations. Good agreement was obtained. Tlie
relative static pressure head at the side of tlie expansion was analyzed. The
analysis of results revealed that the relative deptli and the relative length ofjump
increased witli the increase of tlie expansion ratio while the relative energy loss
was decreased with the increase of the expansion ratio. It was proved tliat the
effect of the relative static pressure head could be neglected at high values of
Froude numbers and high expansion ratios.