Post Occupancy Evaluation for Sustainable Learning Environment: Identifying the Factors Affecting Learning Environment in Education Facilities (Specific Reference to Primary School Students)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Architecture Department, British University in Egypt Direct Email:

2 Architecture department, The British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt


Learning environment refers to the physical context, circumstances students experience during their learning process. One of such settings is the classroom. Most Egyptian schools have lacked an efficient classroom design that supports students learning process as it lacks the comfort conditions which impacts student’s interactivity and focus. Thus an in-depth analysis is needed to determine areas that could be enhanced in classroom design. Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) system is a tool for evaluating building's performance after it has been put to use. It allows facility managers to test and notice any areas where improvement is needed. Hence, this paper aims to identify and understand the physical factors that affect students’ performance, using POE techniques. The methodology adapted is a deductive qualitative method in two sections, the first section is in-depth literature to determine the factors impacting student performance using POE by applying two methods for data collection which is a survey for students in addition to a walk through survey, the second part is an applicable study to examine deducted performance factors through a comparative analysis between an international case study from New Zealand and a national one in Egypt. The findings of the research will provide guidance to enhance the learning environments of existing classrooms in Egyptian public schools. performance factors.


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